Operation Christmas Child


When Samaritan’s Purse began the shoe box ministry-Operation Christmas Child-in 1993, there were 28,000 boxes collected nationwide. In 2012, they collected the 100 MILLIONTH gift-filled shoe box!  And in 2016, OCC was able to impact the lives of over 11 million children in over 100 countries around the world!

Operation Christmas Child also has a discipleship program called "The Greatest Journey" where over 2.5 million children have graduated and 1.6 million have made a decision to follow Christ!

Countryside Bible Chapel serves as a Central Drop Off Location during OCC's National Collection Week which serves as the area hub for shoe box gift collections. We receive gift filled shoe boxes from the community, as well as the shoe box gifts collected by other Drop Off Locations and are also responsible for making sure all these boxes reach their next destination in the journey–the Processing Center.

You can deliver your gift filled shoe boxes during the hours  below when our location will be open and/or join our wonderful team of  friendly volunteers who greet donors, receive their boxes, and pack them in cartons for shipment to the Processing Center!

2017 Central Drop Off Location Hours:

Monday, 11/13 and Tuesday, 11/14,  12:00-5:00 PM

Wednesday, 11/15 and Thursday, 11/16, 12:00-3:00 PM & 5:00-7:00 PM

Friday, 11/17,  12:00-5:00 PM

Saturday, 11/18,  10:00 AM-12:00 PM

Sunday, 11/19,  1:00-5:00 PM

Monday, 11/20,  12:00-7:00 PM

Click the link below to sign up to volunteer.


Please call the church office (781) 862-7513 or email at secretary@countrysidebiblechapel.org for more details about volunteering or filling a shoe box!  

For shoe box filling, you can also visit: http://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/pack-a-shoe-box/