At Ignite, we are consistently investing in students' lives. We strive after our mission to create environments for students to:
Start In Start Up Start Out
What does that mean? We desire to foster an environment for students to start in community with each other no matter their beliefs, backgrounds, or status to form a warm and inviting community for all students to feel welcome.
This loving community helps to develop an atmosphere to challenge students to start up stronger relationships with God.
These combined forces help students to start out serving others in their homes, schools and communities due to their love for God and others. We plan events, outings, parties and retreats to help accomplish each of these pillars throughout the year.
We meet regularly on the 1st and 3rd Saturday night of the month, 6-8 pm during the school year and Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm during the summer at our church building for a time of games, singing, Bible messages, small group discussions, prayer requests and delicious snacks.
Feel free to email us at or call 781.862.7513, if you have any questions or want more details.
UPDATE: Ignite is currently not meeting until further notice.